Monday, October 20, 2008

Roar book 5/4/3/2/1

5-She started using drugs since she was a teenage.
- She really liked Corey ( guy she met at Grand Central Station).
-Ever since April died, Tina doesn't make real friends
-She went to YDA (Young Drug Addicts).
-What ever April told Tina to do, she would so it

4- Why didn't Tina's mom know that Tina was smocking pot since she was a teenage?
- Why did Tina even like April in the first place? I think April made Tina's life a disaster?
-How did Tina overcomed her best friend's death?
-Will Tina stop doing drugs after she gets out from rehab?

3-Facade: the front of a building
-Bureaus: a chest of drawers
-Cataclysm:any violent upheaval

2- Similie: " I was looking like a rafamuffin.
Metaphor-" Going to the park is the most exitment I get that month.

1- In rehab, Tina tells Wendy about her childhood and life experienced.

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