Sunday, October 26, 2008

Roar Book (10)

5- April was always smoking crack and started loosing herself.
-Shiv started smoking crack too.
-Shiv an Tina builted a little house from cardboard
-Shiv got sentenced for 3 years for beating up Abdul
-Tina found a job which she really likes.

4- Why did Shiv beat up Abdul?
-Will Tina stop drinking?
-How will Tina react when she sees her old friends from Grand Central Station?
-Will her old Friends talk to Tina?

3-Syringes:the vocal organ of birds
Scathing:offensive, rude
Elicit:to bring out

2-Metaphor: "My throat is on fire."
-Simile:"Love was like watching the stars in the night."

1- Tina has a job that pays her good and she stoped following the wrong path.

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